June 1998
The company receives a prestigious recognition: the International Certification Body “Det Norske Veritas” found that the Quality system implemented by Colorificio San Marco satisfies all requisites of norm UNI EN ISO 9002 in the field of "production, technical assistance and sales of paints, varnishes, enamels and similar products for use in building, ‘do-it-yourself’ and professional sectors .
November 2001
The company passes a further milestone towards the QUALITY CULTURE: the attainment of the QUALITY SYSTEM certification conforming to the new UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 "Vision 2000" normative, which disciplines systems and criteria for assuring quality in the fields of designing, development, production, installation and assistance. Among the important changes in the new norm, the greater attention is paid to Client satisfaction and to the management of resources dedicated to the system, particularly to human resources. The San Marco products therefore become a guarantee for the consumer; in fact the company concerns itself with finding out Client requirements and ensuring that the statements made in the technical charts, are upheld.
Hong Kong Green Label Certification
In September 2010 Colorificio San Marco has been awarded for Tuttoreasturo range and certified by Hong Kong Green Label.
Today, the global market has an increased demand for science-based, verified and comparable information about environmental performance of products and services. The demand comes from several market places, such as in the raw material supply-chain, for product development and green procurement.
EPD® Certification
The international EPD®system has, as a main objective, the ambition to help and support organisations to communicate the environmental performance of their products (goods and services) in a credible and understandable way.
An environmental declaration is defined, in ISO 14025, as quantified environmental data for a product with pre-set categories of parameters based on the ISO 14040 series of standards, but not excluding additional environmental information.
Environmental Product Declarations (EPD® ) add several new market dimensions to inform about environmental performance of products and services with key characteristics and guiding principles resulting in a number of advantages both for organisations creating EPD® s as well as for those making use of EPD® information.
In January 2011 Colorificio San Marco has been awarded for EPD Certification for these products: Marmorino Classico, Antica Calce and Intonachino Minerale.
Download External Thermal Insulation Certificates below:
External Thermal Insulation Composite system with renderings for the use as external insulation to the walls of buildings.